Greater Williamsburg Distance Running Club
Elementary / Middle School GWDRC Fall Sign Up/Home School High School Age runners
Tuesdays 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. | Thursdays 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Meet at Jamestown High School Track
Practices run from Sept. - Nov. First practice: Thurs., Sept. 4th. The team will run 1 -2 road races and 2-3 cross country races in the fall.
Cost: 60.00 Club Fee - 2 days/week Sept. - Nov.
$30.00 Club Fee - 1 day/week Sept. - Nov.
$20.00 - Club Member - just race (run on own)
$20.00 Youth USATF Membership Fee.
Club membership includes a basic training template emailed each week
via Remind and email.
RACE SCHEDULE* - All races and practices are optional
1.Milestat Relays
Saturday, September 22nd
Mechanicsville, VA (Evening Race)
(Large High School meet with a middle school race - 1.5 miles)
Greenspring 8k & 2 Mile Middle School Challenge
2. Saturday, September 29th
1 and 2 Mile Cross Country Course (Morning Race)
Jamestown HS
3. Virginia Junior Olympics Championship
Saturday, November 17th (Morning Race) USATF race
4. Southeast Footlocker Championship
Saturday, November 24th Charlotte, NC
Huge Cross Country Celebration for youth, MS, HS and open races in McAlpine Park. (Morning Meet). Over 3000 runners.
* All races are optional.
MIddle School Flyer Info
1) Sign up in fillable form above
2) Sign GWDRC Waiver and Sign up Registration
3) Sign up for USATF
4) Pay via pay Pal or Bring a check to first day - Checks payable to GWDRC
USATF Sign up Instructions
2 Day -$60 1 Day - $30 Race - $20